Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pie a Pi Phi 2011 :)

Thanks to our wonderful philanthrophy chair Emily Marie Kessler we raise over $200 for First Book in an hour simply by getting PIED in the face for $2 bucks a pop! Pretty succesful I'd say!
UNFORTUNATELY - this past Sunday we were suppose to be throwing a party for the kids BUT they did not have any.

So I have come to the conclusion that in order to throw a party for Isabel House kids we will need to just go whenever a week is that they happen to have kids there. So, no more trying themed holiday ones around he holiday but instead I was thinking we could BE READY TO CELEBRATE THE ENTIRE MONTH OF APRIL & do a "green" craft with the kids for earth day and play outside!

Another thing I realized is that communicating with the "head" is not as effective as communicating with the staff that is there everyday. By going directly to the staff it cuts out the information getting lost in translation as well as they know more about what is happening on a day-to-day basis at the house.

Also, after more brainstorming - I think it would be a good idea for us to make "diaper wreaths" as a group at home that Isabel's House can store and then give to the families of infant children that come through (which the majority is under the age of 2) so right in our range. This way - we would not only be just handing over the money but giving them something creative and new that looks good to send home and stores easily. This will happen most likey the weekend after SB so Andrew have that credit card ready!

True, the House has not been getting a lot of children lately but this is a very good thing in retrospect. It means that the families are hopefully staying on their own feet and that Isabel's House is providing a SUSTAINABLE (love that word) and lasting impact on child abuse in Green County.

Have a wonderful break!

Amanda Jackson

Friday, March 11, 2011

Luck Leprechauns

Hey-O Summit

This Sunday we are really excited to celebrate St. Patties Day at Isabel's house! I don't know about you guys but I love the color green, a pot of gold, rainbows, and scavenger hunts! This month we helped with Oscar Night at Hammons. We were unable to attend the event but we were able to help set up. I am not sure how much money they rised this year through at Night at the Oscars but I am sure they raised a lot because it is always a wonderful event.

I can't believe it is already March man has this semester flown by. It has been a super busy semester for everyone I feel like but don't worry Spring Break is just a WEEK away!!!!! One thing big that has happened in our Summit house is MOLD. I don't know where it is coming from but it is on our hallway ceiling and it is gross. I guess we should inform Andrew or maintenance about the little growing guy. Other then the gross mold Summit life is going well.

I think there should be a reality TV show called Summit Park Leadership and they should film all of us. I don't know about you but I would watch it. I hope everyone is having a great day and just remember always keep a smile one likes to see you frown!

Love Isabel's Angel

Emily Kessler

Thursday, March 10, 2011

one. more. week.

Another month gone and still so much to do. We have been in contact with Keke at Isabel's House a lot these past few weeks. We have organized a St. Patrick's Day party for the kids where we plan on decorating cookies with green icing and sprinkles. Hopefully this will bring some joy into the kids lives instead of their usual routine at the House.

Spring Break is coming up and Emily and I are planning on volunteering at Isabel's House since we live here and we aren't going anywhere special for break. This will take care of the majority of our hours since we seem to be having scheduling difficulties with finding times where we can do productive volunteering. 
Something that we are using our $300 for is new clothing for the children. Each child that comes to Isabel's House gets new things when they enter the door. Shopping for these clothes will be fun and it will help the House a lot. They don't need any more toys, but they do need more clothes for the kids. 

PS: Good luck at nationals swimmers. We miss you already. And thanks for the spoiled millk are such a sweetheart. 
