Since we've been back to school, I have gotten to volunteer twice with Isabel's house. The greatest experience since we've been back has been hanging out all afternoon with 2 yr old, Madison in the sunshine. It was a great day and it felt great just doing little things that made her so happy. I think what kids, who come to Isabel's House, really need is just an environment that will keep them happy. Having people around who just dedicate themselves to making them comfortable and happy means so much to children who unfortunately don't get that at home.
The biggest challenge with day-to-day volunteering at Isabel's House is keeping busy. There's no way to tell how many kids, or if there will even be kids at Isabel's House before you come. Isabel's house is so well run and organized that what they need volunteers for is just taking care of the kids. But if there is only one or two kids, and six workers, there leaves not much for us to do while we are there.. there is only so much you can do before you become a hassle to the workers.
Sundays have kind of become the volunteer days for Amanda and I; I think I am going to try to start going on Fridays at lunch time to help the lunch crew out and get some more experience during a week day. I have a feeling that they may be busier during the week. But then again, theres really no way to tell.
Isabel's House has some great fundraisers coming up this semester that I'm preeeettty excited about. Oscar night is coming up on the 27th! I know all of us are excited to go (again) this year! We all had so much fun last year. And I think it'd be great if we go representing Isabel's House this year. We are currently figuring out the logistics of what we can do. Alsoooo this year we have some great projects to do with the kids at isabel's house. So clues to let you in on what we are planning: there will definitely be cookie decorating, scavenger hunts, easter eggs, bird feeders, and even a bunny suit ;) I am really looking forward to this semester and the warm breeze coming back and some happy memories being made with the kids at Isabel's House!
Last semester was pretty frustrating because there was nothing we could do without those backround checks! We are all very hard workers and it was a shame that we had such a set back. I think you will see from this semester that we know how to get things done! We are a creative bunch, and even though Isabel's House is a challenge for a Summit project, we will figure out a way to be successful guaranteed! : )
Happy springtime!
Signing off,
Em J