Sunday, February 27, 2011

First of all...I had to BLOG my thoughts on this man, Newt Gingrich, who stated to at a banquet, "“To a surprising degree, we are in a situation similar to Poland’s in 1979." .....Poland was communist in 1979. This is one of the Republican candidates for the presidential elections in 2012. He also acknowledged having an extramarital affair with Callista Bisek, then a House staff member, while leading impeachment proceedings against Mr. Clinton for lying about his own sexual transgressions. (NYT) So, whats he do? MAKES A MOVIE WITH HIS NEW BOO ABOUT JPII. And speaks across the country about how, as a nation, we have lost touch with our faith....

I HATE politics.

Sorry about the rant Andrew.

On a relavent note, Hanna Emily and I (Em is sick) went this morning to help Isabel's House set up for the annual Oscar Night!!! Not a lot to say. We moved flowers, chatted with the president Francine & the rest of th regs, I realized my favorite flower is an Orchid, met some chicks from MSU. BASICALLY we ran into our usuall GOOD although bad problem of Isabel's House having toooo much help. So again this is a great great great program but our funds/help is sort of wasted when they have adult volunteers out the wazoo as well as a HUGE staff. I missed the kids today! I think that just playing with the kids is the best we can do so we are setting up a time (wont knowtill last minute) to make cookies (green icing st paddies day) when they get a few kids in!

Hope all is well - pray for some more morally sound presidential candidates.

- Amanda

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